I worked in an office where we expanded to occuppy two floors.  It just so happened that when we split the office the first floor was occuppied by men and one woman.  Likewise, the second floor was occupied by women and one man.

I found some humor in this – finally, in the testosterone rich company environment, there was a space where estrogen dominated!  So, I made a sign and put it up at the top of each stairwell and at the 2nd floor elevator exit.


 You Are Entering An Estrogen-Rich Environment

 If You Can’t Think Fast, Multi-Task, Make a Decision and Always Be Right Then Enter At Your Own Risk!

The women loved it!

Most of the guys laughed.  One or two didn’t…but as they admitted, sometimes the truth hurts.

As time went on what was really funny was how often the men came up to the second floor to talk things over with the women before they would talk to any of the guys on the first floor.  One guy would come up, then a second, then a third.  Pretty soon most of the men would be upstairs talking – holding a meeting in our hallway.  Could they stay on the first floor and talk to each other?  No.  They needed talked to us first, bounce their ideas off of us, then they could talk to other men.

We chuckled because it was obvious how much they needed us but, after a while we would say – “Guys can you take it downstairs, we have work to do too!”

The empowered woman knows her value as a woman to her organization.

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