An article titled “Another Woman Makes It In Construction” caught my attention. The article was about a woman who was retiring after a successful career in construction industry. Cool! As I read further into the article, I learned that her career was not as I expected. She was the Treasurer and financial manager for a construction company and not directly involved in the construction projects. She did not estimate projects or go out to the construction site. I was disappointed in the article.
Even more so, I felt misled. The title said she was “In Construction” instead of “In the Construction Industry”. To me being “in construction” means you have construction expertise.
In the months since reading the article I’ve been experimenting – what response do I get if I say “I’m in construction.” Most of the time I get a surprised look and get asked if I am a trade worker. So I don’t think my response to the article was unreasonable.
This article got me thinking though – How honest are we being about how women are progressing in business? Are we painting a rosier picture than reality?? And if so, why??
The article and others like try to make women feel good. They want to encourage us, let us know we are not alone…let us know we can do it!!
But when I read about her “success” it also makes me question why I am having such a hard time?! Why don’t I have a VP title?! It makes me question myself and as sad as it is to admit, it erodes my self-confidence. What is she doing so right and I am doing so wrong?!?!
Is it me?
Wait a minute!!! Let’s be honest about her “success.”
A woman who is the Treasurer does not face the same challenges as me. I am a woman who is in a traditional male role in the most male-dominated department in my company.
The difference between her and me is that men are not coveting her position. The men in her company don’t want to do her job – they gladly let her do it!
But me – I compete with my male peers. They challenge me on my success. If I am getting ahead, then they aren’t and I must constantly prove myself. I am engaged in a completely different work environment and my challenges are ugly.
So please let’s make the distinction. Don’t try to make me feel good. Don’t rah-rah me. Warm fuzzies and cheerleading isn’t going to help me!
I know I am in a tough business and I want to know as much about it as possible. I NEED to hear the cold hard ugly truth about what I am up against!! Don’t belittle me by thinking that I will slink away if you tell me the horror stories. I just need techniques and strategies to deal with it. I need to be smart and prepared.
I know I am tough enough. I believe in me. I need you to believe I am tough enough to handle the truth!!
This is dedicated to all the tough women who have written me thanking me for telling the truth.
Empowered women are tough enough to handle the ugly truth.
I want to hear your thoughts and opinions so leave a comment!!
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I have had several conversations on this very subject with my (women) colleagues who have achieved executive management success in non-financial and non-administrative roles within the commercial construction industry. There is indeed a significant difference in the obstacles, challenges and competition that women face in pursuit of senior level management positions outside of finance and administration. As you stated, generally speaking, men do not dominate those organizational roles or hold any real or perceived advantages in them. That is true for the construction industry or any other industry. So in that respect, articles with headlines such as the one you referenced are misleading and honestly somewhat disrespectful to the (very few) women who have achieved sustained operational success in the industry. Women will be truly inspired when editors focus their spotlights on the (very few) women who hold the executive management roles that are dominated by men, roles that require actual construction knowledge, experience and instincts that can only be acquired working both in cooperation and competition with men.