by Dot Callihan | Oct 31, 2017 | Acting As Empowered Women, Thinking Like Empowered Women
Recently I shared a Facebook post in which Shira Goodman, CEO of Staples recalls her best career advice: “Be open to making lateral moves.” I agree – making lateral moves is what propelled my career too. However, we often think that we should stay within our...
by Dot Callihan | Oct 26, 2017 | Thinking Like Empowered Women
This is from my friend Natalie Hill. While many men in Tucson retire out to pasture on the golf course, their wives keep “working” pursuing their interests and passions. This is one of the things that make Tucson different from any other place I’ve...
by Dot Callihan | Oct 25, 2017 | Acting As Empowered Women, Thinking Like Empowered Women
Recently I listened to a woman complain about a male colleague during which she said “I hate passive-aggressive behavior.” After our conversation I realized that she was the one who was being passive aggressive. Our conversation reminded me of a simple, yet very...
by Dot Callihan | Oct 24, 2017 | Acting As Empowered Women, Dealing With The Ugly Stuff, Thinking Like Empowered Women
When women experience inappropriate behavior, sexual harassment, bullying or discrimination in the workplace, we have a lot of reactions – shock, anger, resentment, fear. Our mix of emotions creates confusion as we try to figure out what we should do about it. We...
by Dot Callihan | Oct 7, 2017 | Acting As Empowered Women, Dealing With The Ugly Stuff, Thinking Like Empowered Women
Construction sites have a reputation for crude behavior and the women who work on them can face behavior seldom found in other workplaces. This situation keeps most women away from the industry and those that do enter it often opt for support jobs in the office. Those...
by Dot Callihan | Sep 16, 2017 | Acting As Empowered Women, Dealing With The Ugly Stuff, Thinking Like Empowered Women
Several years ago I was working on a project where some senior male managers didn’t want a woman in charge. They wanted to prove that anything I could do, a man could do better. This was a particularly difficult project and men lasted about 2 months. So every 2...
by Dot Callihan | Sep 11, 2017 | Acting As Empowered Women
I am on the board of a small organization where all board members have equal power. However, our current President is on a power trip and is trying to use the organization for his own personal purposes. Another woman and I are countering his efforts but we go about...
by Dot Callihan | Sep 6, 2017 | Acting As Empowered Women, Dealing With The Ugly Stuff, Thinking Like Empowered Women
Recently I read an article in which a woman wrote about her experience interviewing for a new job. She did all the research on the job and knew how much she should be paid. During the interview, the men who interviewed her offered her 30% less than she expected and...
by Dot Callihan | Sep 2, 2017 | Thinking Like Empowered Women
I need to brag about my youngest daughter because she proved herself a good role model to other Millennials. My daughter is in school to become a veterinary technician where she is required to do internships. She wanted to do an internship at an equine clinic and she...
by Dot Callihan | Aug 28, 2017 | Acting As Empowered Women, Dealing With The Ugly Stuff
I read a lot of articles about women in the workplace and it seems we are fixated on identifying every slight, bad comment and bit of poor behavior. I’ve been told many times that the intent is generate awareness of sexual biases in the workplace and let women know...
by Dot Callihan | Mar 5, 2017 | Acting As Empowered Women, Thinking Like Empowered Women
We’ve all worked with that guy – you know, that guy who is so confident he has the answer for every situation and problem. I’ve worked with lots of these guys over the years. However, it was the first guy like this that I helped me figure out how to deal with them. ...
by Dot Callihan | Feb 1, 2017 | Thinking Like Empowered Women
A couple of years ago I was introduced to a woman who coached professional women. When I told her I was in the construction industry we struck up a conversation about the male-dominated workplace. As she talked I kept thinking “That hasn’t really been my experience”...
by Dot Callihan | Nov 16, 2016 | Acting As Empowered Women, Thinking Like Empowered Women
After last week’s presidential election, many of us are questioning what it will take for women to finally shatter the big glass ceiling. Is there something we are missing – something we aren’t doing or doing wrong? The answer is – Yes. We are too focused on...
by Dot Callihan | Nov 2, 2016 | Acting As Empowered Women, Dealing With The Ugly Stuff
Sexual harassment is back in the headlines. And it is pretty much a repeat of what happens every time the issue is raised. There is a lot of sensational media drama as the story swirls around pitting her word against his. Without witnesses or proof there is no...
by Dot Callihan | Oct 9, 2016 | Acting As Empowered Women
Every 4 years, when the U.S. has a presidential election, women’s issues are discussed…mainly by male politicians, commentators and pundits who ignorantly speak with great authority . This cycle was no exception. We had a debate over which bathrooms transgender...
by Dot Callihan | Sep 16, 2016 | Acting As Empowered Women
Beginning in childhood we are taught that we can’t act on our own. We have to wait for permission from our parents and other adults with authority. We are also taught that best people – the smartest, most educated and most experienced – rise to the top of...
by Dot Callihan | Aug 30, 2016 | Thinking Like Empowered Women
It’s been another rough day. You’re tired, frustrated and stressed. You go on Facebook, because you know you will find the inspirational words you need. Your hardest time often lead to the greatest moments in your life. Keep the faith – it...
by Dot Callihan | Aug 10, 2016 | Acting As Empowered Women, Dealing With The Ugly Stuff
Should a woman quit her job after being sexually harassed? Recently Trump stirred up some media controversy when he said that if his daughter Ivanka was sexually harassed at work “I would like to think she would find another career or find another company if that was...
by Dot Callihan | Aug 2, 2016 | Acting As Empowered Women
Recently I read an article about how to be an effective Change Agent. The article listed the characteristics of a Change Agent as Positive, Visionary, Likeable, Open and Strategic. It is through these qualities that the Change Agent has the ability to alter the...
by Dot Callihan | Jul 19, 2016 | Thinking Like Empowered Women
Every so often I see a news story about girls who want to join the Boy Scouts. Most of the stories are presented from the angle of the Boy Scouts not being inclusive and questioning why girls can’t join. My response has usually been to question why the girls don’t...