Growing Personal Strength

Growing Personal Strength

A few weeks ago a friend and I scheduled to go on a hike up through a canyon.  My friend took up hiking about a year ago to the surprise of many of her friends.  She doesn’t look like your typical southern Arizona hiker who lives in Birkenstocks and buys all their...
Discriminate or Bully?

Discriminate or Bully?

Women still talk about being discriminated against in 2016, but is it still a relevant issue for women in today’s male-dominated workplace?   Over the past 20 years workplaces have invested great sums of money training themselves and their employees on how to avoid...
Women and the Word “Just”

Women and the Word “Just”

Those of you that have read a lot of my articles know I love to give a different perspective anytime there is an issue based on something women do differently from men and there is the assumption that what women do is wrong or inferior.   Last week I was going through...
How Women Become Empowered

How Women Become Empowered

The tagline to my website is “Empowering Women to Lead the Male-Dominated Workplace.”  Since writing it, I’ve been amazed at how controversial this statement is.   This is because as a society we created a controversy instead of simply understanding the different...